Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ io a Controverfies about leffer Matters; when Chriflianity itfelf, and the Pro- ftant Religion, are fo vigoroufly affault- ed. In the prefent Cafe, the very Rights of Self -defence had probably been waved, if Silence under fuch an Attack, would not, to the great Hurt of the Proteftant Interefl, have given an Appearance of Truth to force inju- rious Reprefentations. In order there- fore to do Mice, and lay this Matter fairly before the World, 'tis requifite to throw force Light into thofe Cha- raders of the Peen herMiniflry, and Bifhps , which this Gentleman has drawn fo very black and frightful. It will at the fame time be neceffary to caft fume Shade into his Pitures of the Puritans, which are made too bright and glaring. This laft is indeed the more unpleafant Part of the Work ; and had they not been applauded at the Expence of the great Inftruments of the Reformation, their Charmers would have pafs'd untouch'd. Howe- ver, as they are now dead, and unable to anfwer for themfelves, they (hall be treated with all the Candour and Ten- dernefs that are confiftent with Truth, andno more Ihail be. Paidof them than is neceffary to the Defence of their ccufed Superiors. The Treatment theft