Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 18o ferve a wife and proper Eftablifhment, to prevent the utmoft Confufion, and, in all Probability, the entire Ruin of the Proteftant Religion. And, after all, tho' the Provocations ran very high on one Side, yet great Favour and Indulgence was thew'd by the other. CHAP. IV. BUT, there is another Scene difa- greeable enough, which Mr. N's heavy and repeated Complaints makes it neceffary to open. This is fuch Pro-. ceedings of Subjects againft their Sove- rei n ; of Proteflants againíl a Prin- ce, who was, under God, the Support of the Proteflant Caufe ; fuch Atrèmpts upon the Prerogatives of the Crown, and the Property of private Perfons ; fuch Infults upon the ,Queen herfelf ; and fuch violent Endeavours to de/lroy theConftitution, not only in theChurch, but alfo in the State. In íhort, Inch abufive, fc ious and dangerous Pro- ceedings, as gave Occafion to feverer Methods ; and was the Reafon of in- fliEling upon force of them, what they defred might be inflicted upon weer Difénters from their Platform, fharp Punifhments. Before