[ 182 i cc authoriz'd the wife and learnedof his cc Ecclefafticks to labour, endeavour, `` and contrive all manner of Devices, to abate, aífuage and confound thefe " Hereticks. That thereby the Here- " ticks might either be reclaim'd to " confefs their Errors, and acknow- ledge the Jurifdi&ion of the See of " Rome, or that a total infamy be " brought upon them and their Pone- " cities, by a perpetual 7Jifcord and " Contention among themfeives By " Which means they might either fpee- " dily periíh by God's Wrath, or conti- nue in eternal 23i,Terence --rather cc Freke, á Jefuit of great Authority " in Paris, thus explained this Bull " That it difpenfed with the Devifers " for deviling of new Tenets, ToEirines cc and Covenants. Mr. Strype, in the fame Place gives a long Account of the Methods they ufed to Tow Jivifions in the Church. The better to carry on their Defign, they were allow'd to marry; and if theywere examin'd how they came by the Ability to preach and expound, they were direfed to reply, by the Spirit of God ; byRevelation, by fearching the Scripture. The Pope, for many Years,privately employ'da Nuncio Ridolpho here, under the Charaaer of an Italian Eator® `» His Buhnefs was " to