Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

Cc CC cc Cc cc cc cc cc cc « CC CC cc « « CC CC cc cC Cc cc tg « cc a tc Cc [C CC cG CC 6t C 185 I no Paílors, becaufe they be not right- ly and canonically call'd to thefe Funaions. The felf fame do thefe Men affirm. Thirdly, the Papifs fay, That our Sacraments were not rightly adminifter'd, and fo fay they likewife. Fourthly, The Papifis whollycondemned our Book of Com- mon-Prayers fet out by publick Au- thority, and the whole Order of our Service. In that Point thefe Men do fully join with them alfo; for they condemn'd it wholly, and that with moft Bitternefs. Fifthly, The Pa- pifis would not have the Scriptures read in the Church to the People ; no more would they : For they fay, Reading is not Feeding, but as evil as playing upon a Stage, and worfe too. Sixthly, The Papifis deny the Civil Magifirate to have anyAutho- rity in EcclefflicalMatters ; and fo do they. Seventhly, To be thort, The Papifis refufe to come to our Church, tO COMMUNICATE with us in the LORD'S SUPPER; and thefe Men would not have them by Laws and Punithments compell'd thereun- to. Hereby it is manifeft, that the Papifis and they jointly feek to thake, nay, to overthrow the felf fame Foundations, Grounds, and Pillars `` of