[187] he became the great Patron and Sup- port of thofe, who faid, Árcbbifhops and BiJhops were not to be tolerated strype's Life in a Chriftian Country. Thofe who ot2parker, were required to ufe the lawful Habit Paid, that my Lord of Leicefterfhould move and obtain the Qseen, and that requiring thewearingofthemwas done in his Abfence. That Mr. Cole, pro- bably Leicefler's Chaplain, or belong- ing to fome other great Courtier, was then at Court, in his Hat and Short Cloak, who would overthrow all the Attempts of the High Commiflion, to enjoin the ufing of the Apparel. In like Manner, Mr. Strype tells us, Sampfon ,tbia. i6r, and Humphreys were animated to f. }and 184. it out ; and not confent fo much as to put on the fquare Cap now and then in the publick Meetings of the Univer- fity, tho' the pious and moderate Bi- chop Grindal, one of the High Com- milfion, with Tears entreated it of them but they had great Intereft at Court --- the Earl of Leicefer was their private Friend. Such Support in- fpiredmany of themwith fo muchCou- rage, that they were very fanguine they Mould carry the Point. This drew them into great Inconveniencies ; for having been exceeding warm, they na- turally thought it would be no (mall DZfgrace