Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

189 3 Profegion of that Religion he appre- `` bends moft agreeable to Truth, asfar " as it does not ailed the 'Peace and Safety of the Government he lives un- " der ; without being determin'd by " the Prejudice of Education, the " Laws of the Civil Magifirate, or " the Decrees of Councils, Churches, " or Synods. 'Tis fuppofed, this Gentleman is willing to grant, that the Church of England, is juftly intitled to all thofe Privileges which are requifite to fupport an Eftablifhment ; that un- der the Pretence of contending for Liberty,he does not intend clandeflinely, by Degrees, to fubvert that Part of the Conftitution which has been the great Bulwark of the Proteítant Religion. If he means, that the Efiablifhment lhould be fupported and preferved, and at the fame Time a Toleration granted to thofe who are of different Senti- ments from it, there is no Difpute be- tween the Church of England and the Proteftant Diffenters : Nor had Mr. N. the leaft Occafion to caft an Odium up- on the Efiablifh'dChurch, by Harting any Difference upon this Point. 'Tis impoffible to anfwer for every particular Perfon, either on one Side or the other ; but if he takes the general Senfe of the Church of England, he will find this to be