Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

193 " ferved in Credit and Eflimation ; for how can any Thing be well fet " forth by them that want Credit. " What he immediately adds is a Proof he was not prejudiced or partial in the Caufe. " Marry, for my Part, let the " Time of their Offices laft as their " Doings do deferve." 'Twas however an Engagement enter'd into by joint Confent among the Puritans, to de- strype's Life prave the prefent, and advance their of Whitgft. own devis'd Form of Church Govern± 332' ment. 'Tis an old Maxim thus to blacken thofe that are defign'd for Ruin ; firft to defame, and then to deflroy. " Some who had a profoundcamaa.Ann: " Veneration for the Geneva Platformaz iss8. " of Church Difcipline, imagin'd there " was no furer or nearer Way for erect- " ing it in England, than by loudly " railing againfl the Engli/h Forms and " Rites, and rendering the Names of " Bi/hop and Prelate as odious as they " could to the common People. Their " firft Effay, therefore, was to put out " fcurrilous Pamphlets againft Church " Order and Prelacy." In confequence of this Defign, to deprave the prefent, and advance their own Form, higher Titles or finer Encomiums could not be given, than thofe they bellowed upon this GENEVA SCHEME ; 'tis no Reflation C to