C194] to call it by that Name, for they al- ways confider'd the Church there as the >lof} perfect Model, and appeal'd to it as fuch. The Platform brought from Regil~i pásthence was in their Account " the ve- T°loticn from cc nerable 3olrine of Difcipline the Scotland, 8 P > Pra .ice of `` molt beautiful Order of Ecclefiaflical Prelates 3 o t, cc Regiment ; the Jubftantial Form of IZegiRer 32 cc , Chrifl s Government ; the molt holy " Difcipline ; the true Difcipline by " God's Word, without which no true " Religion can be ; the only Bond of `" Peace ; the Punifher of Sin ; Main- " tamer of Righteoufnefs, and the `` Bane of Herefy : In fhort, 'tis pure, " perfeEt, and full of all C'oodnefs. " Nor are the Patrons of this Difcipline lefs wonderful than the Scheme they efpoufe. We hear of none but pious, Vid. N's Hift. learned, worthy, painful, faithful, emi- palT',m vent, godly Men, who engaged on that Side ; who, as they teftify of them- felves, ftrove for true Religion and Go- Admon. vernment of the Church. Nay they go further and affert, there is nothing in our Books that fnould offend any that either be, or Mould feem to be, God- ibid ly. As to the EftabliJh'd Church, 'tis difficult to find Expreiions equally abufive, but abfolutely impoble to ufe any Words more virulent, than what were continually ernploy'd againif the Bifhops