Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ i 95 ] IBiJhops and Clergy. Jefuits, Turks, Heathens could not be loaded w ith more opprobrious Names. ’Tis endlefs to tranfcribe the Volumes o f Abufes, or to repeat the many Inftances, where the Clergy, m eerly for obeying Laws, made for the eftablifhing o f the Pro- teftant Religion, are called £C petty Part of aRe- £ Popes, Popelings, Papifts,Popifh P r i e f t s ,^ ’^™- ‘c Antichrifts, petty Antichrifts, dumb £C Dogs, idle Drones, Fryars and MonksDialogue be- cc were not fo bad j a ll o f them in a a J 2 S i r » S “ unlawful Calling, and no better than andanEngiijh cc a Brood o f petty Antichrifts. BifliopschaP!ain- £f are contented to be ‘Bawds to all^ta**c®f <£kind o f Sinners— I f in King Henry sEngland laid £ Days idle, loiterous and hypocritical °Pen- £ F ryars and Monks ( for a ll the irPart aRe" £C greatAuthority, and undeferved Efti-8* er’ *377* £ mation they were in) were in the £ Spite of the Pope put down f why £C fhould you think it an impolfible t£ Matter in Queen Elizabeth's Days, cc to make a Search amongft thofe £ who are their Succelfors, and to faw £ off fome o f your Branches tha t make £ you a ll to be as evil, i f not worfe, £Cthan a great Sort o f your Predecef- ce fors were, that is, idle Overfeers, £C flow preaching Paftors, vain-glorious £C Prelates, Refufers o f Reformation, £ and malicioufly and wilfully blind O 2 £‘ Bifhops.5’