Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 196 Whops." This comes in to iliuftrate " an Airertìon, " Our Prelates are " unprofitable. Branches to be cut off" It was publiíh'd fo early in Queen Eli- zabeth's Reign as the Year 1567, and is preferved in that admired Collation called Part of a Regifter ; where it is faid to be wrote by a Godly, Learned and Zealous Gentleman. The Preface to the famous 4ldmoni- tion, which has been already mention'd, declares, that " thofe Inconvenien- " cies which Men feem not to think `_` upon, without Reformation, cannot " but encreafe further Diffention the cc ON Part beingproud, Pontificaland cc 2yranons; and the Word of God for " the other Part exprefs and manifefl. " either muff we have a right Mi- " nifty of God, and a right Govern- " ment of the Church, according to " the Scriptures fet up, both which we " lack, or elfe there can be no right " Religion ; nor yet for Contempt there- " of can God's Plagues be from us any " while deferr'd." In like manner, in the fame Place, they call the Efla- blifh'd Government of the Church, a Tyranous Lora/hip, that cannot fland with Chrifl's Kingdom. The fame Spi- rit prevails thro' the whole of thofe Performances. Elfewhere they talk in this