[ =971 this manner, " I know itfor a truth, Part ofa Reg " that the .rchbifhop begat you, and/ 367 " the Bithop of Rome begat him, " and the Devil begat him : I mean, " concerning your Offices, fo now, in " refped of your Offices, you fee who " is your Grandfire, and who is your- " Great Grandfire Do you think " that this Plea, I did but execute the " Law, will excufe you before the " High Judge, where you, except you " repent witha deep Repentance, thall ¡bra. 365. " ftand and tremble like a Thief in the Jail, and gnafh your Teeth " I am affured in the Lord, that you " and all the Archbifhop's Adherents " be Rebels and 'Traitors unto God." Ibid. In another Place we have a very concife, 2. martin fcurrilous Defcription of ArchbiJhops and Bifhops ; and to give it the greater Credit, 'tis faid to be the Senfe of the Puritan Brethren. " M. D. theweth, " that the Office of Archbifhops, and " Lord Bithops are in Nature Pafloral, tho' in Dignity they are of another cc Office and Miniftry : And what fay " you to that Brethren ? even this `` Jay they. In Dignity they are Popes, in Office proud Prelates, and in Mi- " nifiry, plain dumb Dogs for the mofl " Part." TheReaderfhallhave one Spe- Life of trait: cimen more, as we find it in Mr. Strype.#' P. 292 03 "Our