Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

F. 29O. C 198 " Our Bithops, and proud, Popifh, pre- " fumptuous, paltry, peftilent, and per- " nicious Prelates, are Ufurpers. " They are cogging and cozening " Knaves. The Bishops will lye like " Dogs, impudent, íhamelefs, wainf " cot-faced Bithops. Your Places are cc Antichriftian. They are Limbs of " Antichrift, Simony is their Lacquey. " Monftrous, ungodly Wretches ; that, `C to maintain their own outrageousPro- " ceedings, mingle Heaven and Earth cc together. They ought not to be " maintain'd by the Authority of the " Magiftrate in a Chriftian Common- " Wealth --- That our Lord Bithops, " as John of Canterbury, with the reft " of that Swinifh Rabble, are petty " Antichrifts, petty Popes, proud Pre- `` lates, Enemies to the Gofpel, and " moft covetous wretched Priefts, &c. " I will tell you, Sir, I am perfuaded " in my Confcience, that the Lord cc hath given many ofour Bithops over " into a Reprobate Senfe. For they " do wilfully oppofe themfelves againft " the Lord his known Truth; yea, " and perfecute it. And I fuppofe them " to be in the State of the Sin again,fl " the Holy Ghofl. But the Bithops were not the only Perfons, who were treated in this rude and infolent Man- ner