Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 199 ] ner ; the Supplication to the high Court of Parliament (peaks thus. " Shallsupplic p 19. " you of the high Court of 'Parliament " be difpenfed with, being guilty (ex- `` cept you labour to remove the dumb " Miniftry, Non-Refidents, with the `` ufurp'd and Antichriflian SeatsofLord " Biihops, &c.) of tolerating and Oa- cc blifhing greater Sins, &c. ----- Not Ibid. " to be tolerated by your Authority, P. 21. " unlefs you think that you may to- " lerate Sin by your Laws ; nor yet " once to befpokenfor or countenanced', " unlefs you would plead for Baal." The very Stile of an Admonition, which is-one Part of Ecclefaaftical Cenfure and Punifhment, Teems very improper from private Perfons to a Parliament, and they enforced this Cenfure by telling the Parliament exprefly, you MAY NOT at§ Admonò do as heretofore you have done, patch andpiece ; nay, rather go backward, and never labour or contend to Per feElion God has by as revealed un- to you, at this relent, the Sincerity andSimplicity of his Cofpel ; not that you Jhould, either wilfully withftand, or ungracioufly tread the fame under your Feet ;, for God loth not difclofe his Will to any fuch End : But that you fhoacld yet, now at the Length, with allyour Main. and Might, endeavour that 0 4 Chrift,