Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

r 200 Chrifl, whole eafy Yoke and light Bur- then we have of long time call o from vs, might rule and reign in his Church. Strype's Ann.There is a Declaration of the fame vohrv.p.i7G.Nature, with refped to the whole Conflitution. " As for the general " State either of the Magifiracy or the " Miniflry, or of the common People, " behold nothing elfe, but a Magiflra- " cyof Conpirators again/l God, againf} " his Truth, againft the Building of cc his Houfe, againft his Saints and Chil- " dren ; and confequently againft the " Wealth of their own Souls, and the " publick Peace and Tranquillity of Ibid. cc the whole Realm." The Council and Yudges were treated after the fame manner. " Becaufe our Coun- " cil may be truly faid to delight in " this Injury and violent Oppreffion of " God's Saints and Miniflers; therefore " whenfoever the Lord íhall come to " fearch for the Sins of England with " Lights, as Zephaniah faith, he will " furely vifit our Council with a heavy " Plague, becaufe undoubtedly they " are frozen in their Dregs, and per- " fuade their own Hearts, that the " Lord will do neither Good nor Evil, " in the Defence of his Meffengers and " Children. And then lhall they feel " what it is to wink at, much more to `" pro-