2OI cc procure theOppreffion of the Church of Chrift The which ungodly and cc wickedCourfe, as they have held on " ever fince the Beginning of her Ma- `` jelly's Reign, fo at this Day they cc have taken greater Boldnefs, and cc grown more Rebellious againft the " Lord and his Caufe, than ever they " were." With refpe& to the Judges, " It is now grown, and hath been a cc long time, a common Praéice of cc theft Guiltlefs Men, tomake Offices, " Statutes, ordain'd for the Mainte- " nance of Religion, or common Qui- " etnefs, a Pit wherein to catch the " Peaceable of the. Land. But we {hall be lefs furpriz'd at fuch Ufage of inferior Magiftrates, when we fee how a Crown'd Head was treated by thofe Men whofe only Weapons are faid to be Prayers and Tears. To N's Hilt. leffen the Affections of the People, is ofp 595" great Confequence to anyEnglifhPrince, but to Queen Elizabeth 'twas of more than ordinary Importance. To others, the Love of their Subjeós was their chief Support, to her it was the only one. She, as Mr. Rapin juftly obferves, H;ti. QEtrz. cc was to draw thofe Af%ftances, whichP 261 the could hope for from no other " Hands, from her own Prudence, good cc Conduct, and faithful SubjeEls. To " have