Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 202 ] `e have the Succour always at Hand, e, which flue forefawwould be wanted, the had but one Way, and that was " to make her Pelf beloved by her " People." To alienate their Affeti- ons, was to deftroy her only Support, and to fap the very Foundations of her Throne, which had no powerful Neigh- bour or foreign Alliance to fupport it. And had the been overthrown, the whole Proteffant Intereff muff, in all human Probability, have perifhed with her. We fhall, however, find thole N's Hilt, whomMr. N. callsfaithful and dutiful p 23.s Subjects, extreamly rude and fevere upon the Perfon and Government of the Queen, and earneftly endeavouring to fubvert the juff Rights and Preroga- tives of the Crown. The Reader knows what great Authority theAdmo- nitions to the Parliament are allow'd to be of, as compofed with general Appro- bation, and containing the Senfe of the whole Party. In one of thefe there is a formal Impeachment of the Queen, as an Encourager of all Superftit`ion, deliver'd to the Parliament. The Ac- zd Admon. cufation runs thus. " The Queen's " Chapel, which fhouldbe a Speaacle " of 'Chriftian Reformation, is rather " á Pattern and Precedent to the Peo- " ple of all Superftitions." The flight Foun-