[ 203 7 Foundation of this faóious Complaint is a great Aggravation of it. We have it in the Sentence immediately preced- ing. " As for Organs and curious Sing- " ing, tho' they be proper to Popifh " Dens (I mean Cathedral Churches) " yet force others alfo mutt have them ; " the ,Q,ueen's Chapel, &c." This was deliver'd to the Parliament printed, and difperfed over the Kingdom, as a pub- lick Accufation of their Sovereign, in the Year 1572, byGentlemen who held Preferments in the Church by her Fa- vour and indulgent Connivance. An Inftance or two more of this Sort may not be improper to illuftrate Mr. N's Affertion. " Their Loyalty to the N's HUL " Queen was untainted, and their Beha-p' S95' cc viour was peaceable." We find in a Collection of Trails alreadymentioned, call'd Part of a Regifter, a Petition faid to be of the Communalty, where- in they addrefs'd the Queen in this re- markable manner. " And to conceal Part ofa Reg. nothing from your Majefty,. We are 309' &C. " greatly moved at the hearing of the " Sermons of the godly Preachers ; for " they plainlyfay, that if the Lord his " Matters [i. e. the Geneva Platform} cc be not regarded, but Rill cafe afide, " and temporal Security fought for, cc only by the Wifdom of Man, that `_` then