Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 204 7 " then there is a heavy judgment pro; " vided by the Lord, and a black " Cloud hanging in the Air, for that " he will not be continually rejcted. " And now are the Eyes of all " 'People in the Land fet upon your " Mayfly, and wait for this gracious " Work, even the Eftablifhing of a " learned Minif}ry, &c." And that the People, whofe Eyes were thus direted to the Throne, might confider their Prince as the Caufe of all the Misfor- tunes or Calamities that befel them, they add, " God hath many times, " and by divers Means, heretofore " knocked not only by his gracious " Bleflings, and fundry Petitions, but " alfo by his fearful Threatnings. For undoubtedly as often as the Lord " hath íhaken his Iron Rod at your " Grace, by the Sons of Bélial, the Papiffs, fo many times hath he cc ihew'd himfelf offended and difpleaf- " ed, for that you have not as yet " given unto him the Honour of his " Temple, and the Glory of his San- " Eluary. Wherefore, moft gracious " Sovereign, let him not have the Oc- cc cation to fhake hisRod anymore, &c." So again " Your Majeflyknoweth very " well, that all this whichwasthreaten'd " he might have put in Execution moll juftly,