C 2O5 3 juflly, for this dumb Miniftry fo long " continued. As to themfelves, they fay with no great Humility, That God had withdrawn his Judgments upon their Account, " having refped " to his Name and to the Prayers " of his little Flock." At the fame time, their InjunCion to the Queen is, " Make an entire and Pimple Confeflion " of your Sins If, after this humble " Confeffion of Sins, with a full Re- " folution to remove them, and firft " of all, this dumb Miniftry, which is " the fouleft of all; you thall alto of- " fer to the Lord in his Temple the " Sacrifice of a holy learned Miniftry, " that he may finell a Savour of Reft; then undoubtedly he will be appeafed " towards this Land." Thiswas penn'd at a time, as theydeclared themfelves, when theKingdomwas threatened with an Invafion, which they reprefent as one of the Judgments to be fear'd. How peaceable and loyal (as Mr.N. re- prefents them) how dutiful or decent this Treatment of their Queen, and how little it tended to encourage all her Subjeós to fupport and aff t her againft her Foes, is but too obvious. In like manner, the Supplication to the High Court of Parliament declares, that the Eftabliihment of the Church of