[ 206 ] of England was the Caufe of all Ca- Supplic p.n c.lamities. " Our dumb Minifters, Non- " Refidents, Lord Bithops, Archdea- " cons, &c. are nothing elfe but an " Encreafe of finful Men, rifen up " inftead of their Fathers, the idola- " trous Monks and Fryars, Brill to aug- ment the fierce Wrath of God againft " thisLand and our Governors." There is another Inftance of the like Behavi- Strype'sAnn. our: The Town of Bury had, as vol.nr p. zz. Mr. Strype informs us, for a long time been remarkably affected toPuritanifm ; the Minifters for fome Years varying from, or altering the Common-Prayer at their Difcretion, difliking the Order of it, and depraving the Book ; the Juftices of the Peace countenancing and encouraging them herein, manyyoung Minifters of this fortencreafed in thofe Parts. In this famous Church of Bury, under the Queen's Arms they painted this Sentence, being the Reproof to the Church of 2 hyatira, Rev. ii. 20. Ibid. 1zz. Notwithflanding I have a few things againfl thee, that thou fufferefl the Woman Jezabel, which maketh herfelf a Prophete/s to teach and todeceive my Servants; to make them commit Forni- cation, and to eat Meat facrificed unto Idols. When the Reader is remind- ed, that this Infcription was fixt, as Mr.