L 207 3 Mr. Strype informs us, after Confulta- tion and Advice upon it, and that there were no Severities to provoke fuch a high Infult upon a crown'd Head: But great Indulgence to their Nonconformi- ty : There is no Occafion for any fur- ther Reflection upon fuch undutiful Be- haviour. This was one Method offharply reproving the ,Queen, according to the Advice given in that comfortableEpiftle, as it is call'd, of Mr. DoorThy, in De- fence of the Faithful. " TheErrors ofPartofaReg; " Princes are not to be maintain'd, bute x®` " fharply to be reproved, rebuked, and " told to them, by thofe which will be " efteem'd God'sMinifters and Servants. " Our fPrincefs, therefore, as the de- " ferveth highCommendation, for that " good Work which the Lord our God " hath wrought by her, fo ought the " not to be flatter'd, in following of " her Fantafies but ratherfharply to cc be reproved, for that the chufeth ra- " ther to thruft out of the Miniftry. " true and learned Preachers, than a `6 Piece of Popiíh Pomp. There were indeed, atfirf efpecial- ly, moderate Puritans, pious and peace- able Men, who fcrupled force Things in the Church, but were utterly averfe to the making any Diflurbance or Di- vißon upon that Account. Mr. Fuller,