Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

1 [ 208 ] who publiih'd his Hiflory in the Tear 1656, and cannot be chargedwith any Partiality againft them, declares, " the Fuller's Ch. " Puritans of this Age [ Queen Eliza- Hirt. Lib. Ix. a beth's Reign] were divided into two 1476. " Ranks fom]e mild and moderate, cc contented only to enjoy their own " Confcience, Others fierce and fiery, cc to the Difurbance of the Church cc and State." Among the former, he reckons Father Fox, Dr. Humphreys, &c. who kept their .`Preferments in the Church, notwithfanding their non- Ibid. St. fubfcribing. " When the Aft Set of " Puritanswere gone, Behold ! (fays he) " another Generation of wive and " zealous .1\lonconformifls fucceeded " them -- Inveighing againft the ella- " bliíh'd Church Difcipline, accounting cc every Thing from Rome which was 64 not from Geneva; endeavouring in " all Things to conform the Govern- " ment of the Englifh Church to the " Presbyterian Reformation." For a Tafte, as he calls it, of their Spirit, he gives the following Account of three of them, " who were cited before Ed- " mund Grindal, Bifhop of London " one who did not run of himfelf ; yea, " would hardly anJwer the Spur in " preffing Conformity." Thefe three were, Mr. White, Rowland, and Hawkins,