[ 209 ] whom Mr. N. calls chief Leaders of the Separation) the Bithop ask'd them this Queftion. " Have we vot Ibid. cc agodly Prince ? Speak, is 'heevil ? To which they made their feveral Anfwers in the Manner following " WWhite, what a Queftion is th .t ? " the Fruits do Phew. `l. Rowla,;d, " No, but the Servers of God are per " fecuted under her. R. _Hawkins, `` Why, this Queftion ? the Prophet `` anfwereth in the Pfalms. How can cc they have Underftanding that work `` iniquity, fpoiling my People, and " that extol Vanity ? Wonder not, `, therefore, if the Queen proceeded " feverely againft fome of them, coin- " manding them ro be put in Prifon. " Thus far Mr. Fuller. The Bithop, we are told, intending to declare how fe- verely what was faid by one of them refleóted upon the Queen, by whofe Au- thority and Commiflion they a&ed, put the foregoing Queftion to them. How decent an Anfwer they gave in open Court, theReader muff judge,; in Mr.N's Opinion 'twas too bad to be produced ; and therefore, tho' he fpends feveral Pages in giving an Account of their Examination, he cautioufly omits every Word of this Matter ; and yet Mr. &trype and Mr. Fuller, both quoted by P him