Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

N's Hi(iory P 134. 2Io j him upon the Occafion, make particu- lar Mention of it. 'Twas eafier for him to celebrate their Loyalty, when he thus carefully omitted all Inílances of the contrary. 'Tis, however, no Wonder they were not more refpe6ful to the Queen, fince their whole Scheme of Church Government appears to be calculated for the Overthrow of Mo- narchy. The Civil Government was to, be framed according to that of the Church, which had, as they alledged, the higheíl Authority, being of Divine Appointment. The State, therefore, was to be reduced to the fame Form. Their comitial, provincial, or national Alfemblies, the whole Frame of their Church Government was pefetly Po- pular or. Republican. The final !De- termination of all Matters was lodged in this General Body. Mr. N's Ac- count of their Sentiments is as follows. " The Magiltrate is nót to be excluded. " fromChurch Alfemblies He may " call a Council of his Clergy, appoint " both Time and Place ; he may be " there both by himfelf or his De- cc puty, but not as Moderator, ¶eterr " miner, or Judge ; he may have his " Voice, in the Alfembly, but the Or- " ders and Decrees of Councils are not cc made by his Authority " In like Mannç