Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

r 2II Manner it is-declared in theAdmonition; " That to thefe three jointly, that is, r Admon. " theMin ifters, Seniors and Deacons, is " the whole Regiment of the Church " to be committed." When they have thus reduced a Crown'd Head to the Level of every Tradefman or Farmer, that has aVoice as a Ruling Elder, they appoint him their Executioner, and re- quire him to puniíh thefe that violate their Canons. `` 'Tis the Prince's Pro-N's Hí(}ory, " vince to fee the Decrees of his Cler-P ' 34. gy executed, and to punifh the Con- ` tempers of them." Having fettled the Church upon this Republican Ba- fis, and brought a Sovereign Prince fo low, let us next fee how they'll ma- nage the State. The moll accomplifh'd Mr. Cartwright has given full Direai- ons in this Matter, in the following re- markable Words. " The World (faysDefence of he) is now deceived, that thinketh the AdMOD " that the Church mull beframed ac-p' is" " cording to the Commonwealth ; and " the Church Government according " to the Civil Government ; which is c` as much to fay, as if a Man Mould " fafhion his Houle according to his Hangings, whereas indeed it is clean se contrary : That as the Hangings are " made fit for the Houfe, fo the Com- " monwealth muff be made to agree P z " with