2I2 with theChurch, and the Government " thereofwith her Government ; for as ` the Houfe is before the Hangings, therefore the Hangings which come " after, mull be framed to the Houfe " whichwasbefore ; fo theChurchbeing " before there was any Commonwealth, " andthe Commonwealth comingafter, mull be fafhioned and made fuitable " unto the Church ; otherwife God is `` made to give Place to Men, Heaven " to Earth, &c." What can all this mean, but to Phew the Necef ity of deftroying the Englifh Formof Govern- ment in State as well Church, and placing in its Room the admired Re- publican Scheme of Geneva, that the Houfe and the Hangings might fuit N's Hií}. each other. Mr. N. fays " they did not 33 " allow theGovernment of the Church " to be Monarchical ;" but fludioufly conceals their Endeavours to reduce the State to the fame Antimonarchical Form. However, due Care is taken of this Matter, in that celebrated Per- formance of Mr. Travers and Cart- wright ; . full andplain Declaration of Ecclefiaflical 93ifcipline, out of the P. Or. Word of God, &c. Here it is de- clar'd, "Magiflrates muff alfo, as well " as the reft, fubmit themfelves, and " be obedient to the juft and lawful " Autho-