[213] '` Authority of the 0lïcers of the " Church. ; for, feeing they not only " rule by Authority of Jefus Chrift, " but in a Manner reprefent his Per- `` fon, feeing they rule not as they " themfelves lift, according to their cc own Will, but only according to his " Word and Commandment ; is it not " meet, that evenKingsand thehigheft " Magiftrates fhould be obedient unto " them ? For it is meet that all the " Princes and Monarchs ofthe World " fhould give up their Sceptres and " Crowns unto him, whom God hath " made and appointed the Heir of his Kingdom, and Lord of Heaven and " Earth. I might alledge out of the cc Hiftories ofall Times divers Examples " ofgodlyPrinces, whofubmitted them- " felves to the Order and Government " of the Church appointed by God. Befides their Diflike in general to the Engleh Form of Government, fome of them had a particular Exception to Queen Elizabeth, as aToman. This is not mention'd as the Opinion of every one of the Puritans ; but as it proceeded from Geneva, and met with great Encouragement there, 'tis no Wonder that a wife Queen did not dif- cover any great Fondnefs for a Repub- licanPlatform of Church Government P 3 imported