Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C 214] imported from the fame Quarter. The Broacher of this Notion was the famous Strype°s Ann. Mr. JohnKnox, in hisFirft Blafl againft Yal. L P. 120 the Montrots Regiment and Empire of Women. Wherein he endeavour'd to prove, that it was altogether unlawful for Women to reign, and, even to the laft, continued refolute in this Opinion. His Letters to Secretary Cecil and Queen Elizabeth are very remarkable. He told the Secretary, and charged him " in the Name of the Eternal God to " acquaint the Queen therewith [ in mid. Vol. r. " thefe Words ] That if QueenEliza- P. 121. " beth would confefs, that the extra- " ordinary Difpenfation ofGod's great Mercy made that lawful unto her, " which both Nature and God's Laws " did deny unto all other Women be- " fides; then thould none in England " be more willing to maintain her Au- " thority, than he ; but if, God's " wondrous Work fet ofde, the ground- " ed the Juflnefs of herTitle upon Con- " fuetude, Laws and Ordinances of Men, then, as he was Aldred, fuch " foolifZZ Prefumption did offend God's fupreme Majefty; fo hegreatly fear'd, " that her ingratitude íhould not long `` lack Punifhment." To the Queen herfelf he wrote a Letter to the fain Purpofe, telling her, c' that it " was