Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

{215] ce was God's peculiar andextraordinary Providence that brought her to the " Kingdom, and that íhe was not to 4` plead her Right by Defcent or Law ; `` and plainly Paid, that if the began to brag of her Birth, and to build ber Authority and Regiment upon her cc own Law, her Felicity would be " íhort, flatter her who fo liíleth. Mr. N's Charmer of this extraordi- N's Hitt. nary Perfon is, the reverendand learn-p 203 ed Mr. John Knox, the Apo lle and chief Reformer of the Kirkof Scotland. He was a Son of Thunder, and fear'd not the Face of any Man in the Caine of Religion, which betray'd him Tome- times into too coarfe Treatment of his Superiors. The Reader cannot but ob- ferve, that every Whim which enters the Head of a Puritan, muff be confe- crated with a folernn Name : Knox wrote a virulent Pamphlet againft the Cóvernment of Women, and perfonally intuited a great ,Q,ueen upon the Ac- count of her Sex. But he was a Puri- tan, and fo becomes a Son of Thunder, that fear'd not the Face of any Man in the CAÚSE OF RÉLIGYON. In like manner, 'tis the reverend and learned Mr. John Kno* died ,- he was the Apo,file and chief Reformer of the Church of Scotland But "Matthew P 4 e` Parker