Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 216 ] N's `` Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, P. 340. " departed this Life His Religion " confiífed in a fervile Obedience to " the Queen's Injuntlions." Was there no Room to give him the like Cha- ra'er of Apofile and chief Reformer of the Church ofEngland ? But thus the Reader will always obferve the Epithets, `Pious, Reverend, Learned, &c. join'd to Puritan Names if any Defcription is added to the Name of a Conformií},'tis of a different Sort ; but as to Mr. Knox, he was not fangular in this Opinion about the Government of Women. His Friends at Geneva con- curr'd with him. " 'Twas not long af- eryte's Ann. " ter Knox's Book, (as Mr. Strype ac- oa. r. p. 122. << quaints us) That Chriftopher Good- " man, one of the Exiles at Geneva, cc printed a Book of the like Tenor `` with that of Knox's. To this Book " of Goodman's, William Whitingham " wrote a Preface commendatoryof the " Man and his Work." Knox and Goodman were Pa/lors of the Church at Geneva, and Whitingham a Preach- er there. By Whitingham's Account in his Preface, Goodman conferr'd the Jrticles and chief Propofitions, with the heft learned in thofe Parts, [ viz. Geneva] who approved them. So that this feems to have been the general Sen/e