[ 218 Nis Hiaory Mr. Knox a Bifhoprick. Whittingbam P. 142. enjoy'd, to his Death, no lefs a Pre- ferment the 3eanry of Durham; and ssrype's Ann. Goodman, whom we find Chaplain to P. U6. a Lord Lieutenasnt of Ireland, was otherwife provided for. Thus far were the ,Queen and the Bithops from being cruel and relentlefs! and thus evident it is, that Queen Elizabeth was not a Papift in her Heart ! The Declarati- on the font to the Parliament in 1572 is a farther Confirmation of this. 'Tis preferved in Sir Simon D'Ew'sJournal. That her Majefty, as Defender of the Faith, will aid and maintain all good Proteftants, to the difcouraging of all Papifts. But to proceed to other Principles and ¶rac` ices of the ¶Puritans that afeEied the Civil Government, the Prerogatives of the Crown, or the Rights of the Subje. Their very firft and fundamental Propofal of Popu- lar Eleaions of Minifters, that none Yid. area. fhould be admitted to a Benefice, but of Church who was chofen and eall'd by the Government, Fulland plain People, invaded not only the Rights Declaration and Prerogatives of the Crown, but ofDifcipline. the Property of all Corporations and Admon on, e&c. private Perfons, who were lawfully x Admon. poffeft of 21dvowfons. " Your Wifdots, (fay they to the Parliament, in their Admo-