[ 219 Admonition) "have to remove ADVOw CC CC CC CC CC CC CC SONS, PATRONAGES, IMPROPRIATI ONS, and Bithops Authority, claim-. ing to themfelves thereby Right to ordain Minifters, and to bring in that old and true Election which wass ac- cuftom'd to be made by theCongrega- gation." This Scheme entirely took away the Right of 'Patronage, how juf}ly foever acquired, and muff have occafion'd great Conftifion and 9iflurb- ance in the Nation ; and in many Pla- ces, where the People were íä1l Popich ly inclin'd, have open'd a Door to the Eletion of Popith Priefts. Nor do we find, at this Day, any fuch good Effe is from popular Ele&ions of the Clergy, as to recommend that Method to our Prahice. Nobody pretends, that thole Clergy, who are chofe by a Veftry of the People, are remarkablydiftinguith- ed, either for Learning or Behaviour, from fuch as are prefented by the pro- per Patrons. Mr. Strype has preferv'd a Traftsrrype's wót drawn up in thofe. Times, entitled, gift, p. z18° Certain Mifcbiefs enfuing the Puritans Demands andPlatform, in ten Articles. " I. It overthrows her Majefy's Su- " premacy ; which confifls chiefly in " thefe threeHeads, viz. her Title and " f pier e (overnment over all Perfons " and