Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

r 220 J and Caufes Ecclefia/lical. That no " Law be made and put in Practice, " without her particular "Ont. That " the Appellation in Caufes Ecclefiafti- " cal be made to her Highnefs in Chan- " cery, as it was before to the Pope. All Three muff, in effe t, be abo- " lifhed. " For theFirft, they fay, thePrince, " being no Elder, is in the Number " of thofe, Qui facile debent pati fe " regi & gubernari : And not the Su- " preme Governour. For the Second, The making of all Feclefiaftical Laws they afcribe " to the Senate wholly, and do give to " the Prince Authority only to punifh " fuch as offend their Orders : Which " is indeed to give her Highnefs Go- " vernment in Per:limas tantum, non " isa CauJas, & poteflatem Fasii, non " Juris. " For theThird, Their Appellations " lye from the Elderfhip to a Coofe- " rence; from that to a Provincial; " from that to a NationalSynod, which " mug definitively end all. " ÌI. It taketh from her Majefty " that Part of her Prerogative Royal, `` whereby the is PatronParamount of " all the Benefices in England, accru- " ing to her by Lapfe or otherwife. " III. It