Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

CC CC CC CC « C 6C CC CC CC CC 6f CC CC Cr CC CC cc 22I " M. It taketh from her Maje/i s, and all other of the Laity, that Part of their Inheritance, whereby they prefent to the Ecclefiaflical Li- vings, Jus Patronatus. " IV. They hold it unlawful to pay to her Ma e lv the Fir/i Fruits and Tenths of' their Livings ; or that either her Majefiy, or any Layman fhall have in their Pofieífion any Im- propriation. V. They require to have more W- ickes built, for the encreafing of that Number which is to fill their Presbyteries; and that all the Bithops Livings, and fuch Lands as apper- tain'd heretofore unto Abbies, may partly be employ'd that Way, and partly to the better Maintenance of their Presbyteries. " VI. It overthroweth both Archlbi- 'hops and Bithops ; and fo confe- quently one of the chief Degrees of the State of this Realm; defìring, as of Neceity, an EqualityofMìnifters. " VII. It overthroweth all the Ec- clefiallical conflitutions, Laws and Ordinances, which have been made everfnce the Apotiles Times ; that fo they maymake fuch other as shall be thought meet in every Congre- gation. "; VIII. It