CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC .0 CC CC a CC CC CC Cc CC cc CC CC CC Cc CC CC CC C 222 " VIII. It overthroweth a great Part of the Common Laws and Statutes ; as, betides thofe which depend upon her Majefly's Supremacy, the Statute of Mortmain, &c. If this Platform íhould go forward, it may boldly be averr'd, that One whole Man's Life of Parliaments would not be fifci- ent to make newLaws, whichmight bring it to any tolerable State of Go- vernment. " IX. It overthroweth the prefent Divifion of this Land into Parifhes, and requires a new one to be made, anfwerable to their Fancies. " X. It maketh her Highnefs f tbjet7 to their Excommunication; arid fo confequently, is not unlikely to prove a Matter of great Danger. For, if her Majefty should be Excommuni- cate, and not yield thereunto, the chief Authors of this Platform do affirm, that then, Lege feudorum, which they fay holdeth in Kingdoms, her Majefly's Subjehs, or any others, are freed from their Oaths of Fi- delity. " What dangerous Propofitions the chief Patrons of this new devifed Government have publifhed of late Years ; how natural-born Subje is may rebel againíl their Prince, de- " pofe