223 J " pofe him, and execute him, every " Man knows, who have read the Books intituled, Ìße jure regni aped " Scotos ; and funius Celta his Book intituled,ndicie contraTyrannos. `` It condemneth the Government, of " the Church ever fince the Apoflles " Times ; and containeth many more. " ftrange Affertions, and forne Irnpofli bilities.. Mr. Np.480. gives force Account of this Matter. He refers us to this Paf- fage quoted from Mr. Strype, but in- ftead óf tranfcribing theWords of the Author, greatly foftens their Scheme, by giving an Abridgment of his own. The Puritans prefented a Supplication to the Parliament, with the Book of a Form of Common Prayer annex'd. This, after the Admonitions, was an- other publick and authentick Declara- tion of the Defigns of the. Puritans. Mr. N fpeaks of their Scheme in this Manner. " It takes the 7urifdi- " Won of theChurch out of the Hands " of the Spiritual Courts, and places " it in an Affembly of Miniflers and " Elders in every Shire, who ihall. " have Power to examine, approve, cc and prefent Minifters to the feveral " Parilhes for their Eleflion, and even C` t® depofe them, with theconfent of " the