Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[22$] " culated for the Overthrow of the cc prefent State of the Clergy, by their " Presbyteries, efpecially Archbithops, " and BiJhops, &c. as being Callings. " not agreeable to the Word of God, " as the Billfayeth." This Paper con- tains fo many confiderable Things relating to the Puritans, and the Dif- pute with them, that, perhaps it will not be difagreeable to the Reader to have the whole of it laid before him, tho' it be fomething long. Mr. Strype calls it an excellent Paper, wherein the true State of the Cafe between the new Reformers and thofe that tuck to the Reformation, as it then flood, is thewn. 'Tis preferved in his Appendix to the . Life : of Whitgift, Pag. 109. under the following Title. " The Sum of a Speech in Tarlia -. " ment, Anno x$86 ; upon the Bill and Book of the Puritans, then " ffer'd HAT where the Book and Bill hath been greatly commended, &c. and altho' in Refpet of manifold Bufinefs, &c. .I. have taken no further Pains in the Word of God, than con- cerneth the due Information of a true Chriftian Man, as well in Matters of Faith,