[ 126 Faith, as of Manners '; by the one to be inftruóed in the Sincerity of true Religion; how to believe, and by the other, how to direr my Adios to God's Glory, and the Profit of my Country : And befides, that I have deemed it evermore a fpecial Part of Chriftian Sobriety, for every Man to contain hitnfelf within the Bounds of his own Vocation ; andnot to prefume toomuch upon his own KnowledgeA° difpute, 'decide and . determine Becle- fiaftical, Matters, appertaining propev- ly to thelearned Dotors, and gravo Fathers of the Church yet, for ; as much as, a great Part of this , defrred Reformation' coreth within the Com- paff of myProfçffi n, touching Matters of State, I have thought good to crave your heedful Regard, &c. while I !hall open unto, you fiindry Points of very great Confeguence touching the fame. The whole Reformation began in King Edward's Time, and undertaken by her Majefly, confifteth chiefly in the Fflablifhment of, L A true Government of the Church greatly cörrupted, and foully ufurped by the Bithop of Rome. II. The pure Dorine. of Chriíl, by a ,_found ReformationandPurgation there- of from Popery. M. A