Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

EZ27J III. AGodlyOrder for publick Pray- er and Admiration of Sacraments, with other holyRitesand Ceremonies ; infiea , of the Popith Mafs, barbarous Service, and many other Corruptions. This Reformation was made upon molt grave Confideration,, by the chief learned Do&ors and Fathers of this Church. It hath eftfoons been fin'd and refs d ; and by her Majefiy, at length, brought to fuch PerfeCtion,; as the Profefiion of this reformed Religion in England, hath been ever fnce the chief Key and Stay thereof, in all the Reformed Churches in Chrifendom. What joywas once in England for this Reformation! Howmany Letters have been written hither by Strangers, to congratulate: the Sincerity and Happi- nefr thereof ! And;, . how many Chat- lenges have been made, and. Books writ- ten,, in Defence of the fame ? Our Adverfaries abroad have been mightily refuted. Sail inimici hominis dome,%lici ejus [ i. e. fJ Man's Enemies are thole of his Houfhold] Among all the Af- faults made hitherto by fundry Seda- ries again this our Reformation, there was never any, tomy Knowledge, com- parable : to,this laft..Bill and Book, ex- hibited, hereamong us. Qz My