Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[228] My Purpofe is to deal only with that Part which touchethGovernment. How- beit, as by the Way, I cannot but re- member unto you, how, notwithfiand- ing the Law made Anno i. of her Majefty, that whofoeverJhould, either by Word or Writing, deprave, &c. the .`Kook of Common-Prayer, &c. This Book termeth the fame to contain di- vers Imperfeólions, grofs Corruptions, and fo many Repugnancies with the Word of God, as that fcarce any Part thereof remaineth found. In refpel whereof it earneftly defireth, to have the fame wholly abrogated ; and doth offer another, newly made unto us, to be Eflablifhed : Wherein, firíl, my Mailers, I will fpeak but like a politick Man ; will you alter and reform the whole Form and Order ofyour Service ? Will you take the Book from us, which we have been perfuaded to think both good and godly ; and give us a new, accounting the other corrupt, &c. Might it not have faced to have re- formed the Errors? If you anfwer, that there were fo many, it could not be otherwife done, will any Man be- lieve you ? What will the People fay ? Affuredly, whereas you pretend hereby to work Wonders, you final' drive them by Thoufands, either tobecome4the¡JIs or