C z29 ) or Papifls. I tell you, there is an old Note of Schifmaticks or Hereticks, which is very rife among us, and I think it is in the Scriptures, _temper difcentes, and nunquam ad Scientiam pervenien- tes ; affuredly all good Men do begin hereby to fufpeö you. 2dly, If I be not deceived, I find a fhamefitl, flight and cunning Point, fmoothly pafs'd over, in this Bill exhi- bited. It is well known, that fome Ringleaders in this Schifm have taught, that it was unlawful to have a pre- fcribed Form of Service in theChurch; but now your Fellows have framed us one : Belike, they meant every fuch Kind of Service to be unlawful, except it were of your own making. In good Earneft, do you mean indeed as you feem 2 Shall we have a Book of Com- mon-Prayer to be ufually read,, and obferved in our Churches ;, fo as the common People who cannot read, by often hearing one Form. of Prayer may learn the fame, to their great. Comforts, elfewhere ? What meaneth the Book then, when the Rubrick before your Chapter of publick Exercifes, fuch an Order is there prefcribed, as doth ne- ver permit the chief Part thereof, that is the Confeffion in the firíf. Chapter, to be read in the Church ? Befides, Q 3 what