E what meaneth this ? There is a Form of Service fet down to be ufed before and after Sermon; which is, indeed, the whole Service: And yet in the Ru- brick after the fame, it is thus writ- ten, it 'hall not be necef9'aryfor the Mi- nifer daily, &c. And in the Chapter of Baptifn, becaufe he prayeth in this spanner, or fuch like; and in the Chap- ter of the Lord's Supper, the Minifter giveth Thanks in thefe Wordsfollow- ing, or the like in E H.. So, as for any thing I fee, althe', to pleafe us withal, there be in Shea; a Book pre- tended, yet in Truth there is no fuch Matter ; but all, or the moft Part, is left to the Minijier's Spirit. Thefe Men do therefore verify the Proverb, Aurim fuperati n, tuns pro crepitu. Touching the fecond Part of our Re- formation ; that is, true ¶oîirine re- purged ; I take it, the whole Sum thereof is contain'd in the ThirtyNine Articles of Religion, fet out by Law Anno i 562, whereof I find by this Bill and Book, Three of them wholly con- demn'd or abrogated, viz. the 34th, of the Traditions of the Church : The 35th, of Homilies : The 36th, of the making of Bifhops andMinifers. Be- tides, it feemeth unto me, that one of the Articles of our Belief is, in Effet, abro-