[ 231 J abrogated, viz. Vefcendit ad inferos. But this is a Queftion, it feems, among Divines ;; I will not meddle with it. Howbeit, I remember, that, about Se- ven Years fince, there was written a Book; to the like Purpofe, by one Cal - li/le ; which her Ma efty, by the Advice of the belt learned of the Clergy, for- bad; as a very dangerous Book and M- fertion. But all this while I am almoft betide my Purpofe : Leaving therefore in this fort Matters of Divinity, I will come to fpeak of our Government ; which, in f me Points, is quite overthrown ; in Mize greatly Jhaken ; and by f ome very much endanger'd. That which I there- fore miflike in this Bill and Book, is, that it is very injurious to us of the Laity, to the Chief of the Clergy ; but efpecially to her Majefly. Firft to our felves, it appeareth in the Sixth Chapter of this Book, that when any Eccleüaftical Man fhould die, or be removed, yus Patronatus fhould be in every Presbytery. And fo Elders, I know not how, fhould prefent to the Livings. Which toucheth us all in our Inheritances ; and befides, turneth to our no finall Reproof ; in that of anci- ent Time, having received fuch Credit and ,authority, we only fall be thought Q. 4 unwor-