Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

02323 unworthy to continue our Right, &c. Why furely, I cannot fee, but that if we were all as we pretend, there could not be manyPresbyteries ereCed in this Land, more able to prefent fit Men to any of our Livings, than we our felves, if we would ufe but thofe Helps ap- pointed by Law already. For mine own Part, &c. but yet in this Matter we are farther touched. Here are Or- ders fet down for the Burthening every Parifh with one Pallor, at the leali, a Dolor, two Deacons, at the leali; betides I know not how many Elders, to befound in Equity, if theybe poor, and do labour in the Caufes of the Church, by the Relief of the Parifh, as well as anyof the reft. But neither Bill nor Book do (peak one Word with what Livings, or how thofe Offices (hall be maintain'd. Wherein there is a Piece of Cunning ufed ; fuppofing that plainDealingwould have hinder'd their Purpofe ; for indeed their Mean- ing is, to draw from ni, maugre our Heads, our Impropriations. And if the Spoil of the Bifhops and Cathedral Churches will not ferve their Turns, as certainly they cannot, their Number being fo greats then do they fet it down, that we are bound to furrender out of our Hands our Abbey Lands, and