Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

r 233 and fuch other Poffefions as have at any time belonged to the Church. It is wonderful to fee how defpiteful they write of this Matter. They call us Church Robbers, Devourers of Holy Things, Cormorants, &c. affirming, that, by the Laws of God, things once confecrated to God for the Service of his Church, belong unto him for ever : And that we keep fuch Goods and Li- vings contrary to our own Confciences, as appears in this Book of Ecclefia/lical Government, and another which came unto my Hands the laft Parliament, in- tituled, A Complaint of the Commona- lity. Whereby we may fee what is in- tended againft us; how for the enrich- ing of themfelves, they labour, by our Confents, to impoverifh us; and with what reproachful Speeches they handle us. For mine own Part, I have fome Impropriations, &c. and, I thank God, I keep them with a good Confci- ence, &c. Many would be undone. The Law approveth us, &c. The Rule, Cui bono ? maketh me to think, that thefe hot, bufy Reformers, do ra- ther feek Ours, than us. Secondly, for the Overthrow of the prefent State of the Clergy by their Presbyteries, efpeciallyArchbifhops and $ifhops, &c. as being Callings not agree- able