i 234 ] ble to thé Word of God, as the Bill fayetb ; I Will leave it to Divines, be- ing â Mátter ittithbUt tyReach, altho', ln my Confciénce, I do fee the Neceill- ty Of thöfe Dignities and Authorities, for aeóiding a Coñtentimîi and better Reputation of their Callings. As to the fame Purpofe, the have in the Ci- vil Law, Noblemen and Gentlemen; and do verily hold that Part of the Bill as a loud Untruth. This only do I Judge, that hereby a groat Indignity is offer'd to the Honour of this Realm; in Peeking to Boil the fatttb of one efin- tial Part of the fec©nd State, to alter the Honour of our Parliaments, and to bring into it ä Parbaroas Equality, which bath ufually hitherto been No- verai Regnorzon, &Mater Confafaonis ; and, as tho' it tvefe unlawful for Ma- jefty to confer Honour, where, indeed, otherwife it belt defetved. But Thirdly,, to come to that which molt óf all ihould touch us, viz. her Majeflys Eflate. I find this Platform injurious tó her Szapremacy,, to her Strength, and to her PE1sorr6 For her Highnefss Svprernaty, it eonfffetl principally, as I gather out of the Statute to that: Purpofe, Jinn. r. of her Majeily. r . Upon