[ 235 3 z, Upon her Title of Supreme ilea or Governour. 2. Her Authority in making Ecclefi- 2,flical Laws. 3. Upon the Right, that the tail Ap- pellation in fuch 'Caufes flaould be made to her Majeffy's Chancery. ALL which Points are in a manner wholly ABRO- GATED by this Bill and Book. For :al- tho' it be faid therein, that the Sove- reign Majefty is placed by God in highe eft Authority under him, within their Dominions, over all Perfons and Caufes, as well Ecclefiaffical as Civil ; yet mark, how the Book interpreteth itfelf. Forfooth, their Dominion they fpeak of is this, that the Sovereign muff fee and command the ordering of them, as God hath appointed by his Word. He muff not make any himfef, by his or- dinary Authority, but fee others make them : Which is not Sovereign Autho- rity in Caufas, but in ¶erfonas ; and is call'd, Toteflasfadi, nonjuris. Secondly, Where this Bill affirmeth, that the Guidance of the Church is committed to the ¶aflors, Doctors, and Elders ; that they by common Confent might diret all the Affairs and Bufinefs of the fame, ,Qui dicit crane malum, nihil excipit : Where it fayeth, that the Presbytery hath Au- thority