Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 237 1 Strength ftandeth very much upon her Revenues. Large Tributes, and great Riches, are indeed Nervi Reipublice, ornamenta Pacis, fubfidia Belli. Now what a Lofs would her Highnefs fuftain, if, as it hath been faid, all her Impro- priations should be taken from her? but what if they deal with her Majefty in her Tenths and FO-Fruits, as with her Impropriations ? Surely the Book of Ecclefiaftical Difcipline nameth the exatingof the fameNundinationum Spoliationurn Direptiones. Laftly, touching her Majefty's Per- fon and Safety; I account it hereby greatly endanger'd ; in that her High- nefs is made fubjet to the 'Presbytery Cenfures, Reprefentations, Sufpenfions, and Excommunications : Which, tho' it be not precifely there named, yet I am fure none will deny it, fith it is fo largely fet out in the Ecclefiaflical Iii%spline ; for who knows how far they may proceed, if her Majefty do ne- gleet' their Excommunications? Is it not, think you, very well known, what out- rageons 4ffertions are made hereof in yourchief PresbyteryMensBooks? Doth not her Majefty underftand what is fet down hereof in thefe Books : Dejure Regni aped Scotos; De,jure Magiflra- tum in fubditos, Vndicif contra 7yran - nos,