Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[23g nos, andother.s ? Yes Indeed: -- Soas to conclude, .I affure you,, fo far forth as:I am able: to look into the .Matters,: I think,, ali Circumflan,ces: confidered, there never was mcr.v'd a Parliament, to. my Iternetnb,rance, and urgedwith fuch Invortunity,, by thofe who would be reckon'd her M.ajielly's,,befl affeded, ntog faithful, apd moll dutiful Subjets s Matter of greater laxo¢zuenience, nay d r6JZf. For,. .1, pray you,. wherein differ the°¢ Men, in this Cafe., from the, ? The Pope., ,dtenye:th thee.: Supremacy of I,?'rinces'; fo d®,, efied,, thefe . , The Pope yicldetk to thex.i only potefiateaxa fagiznonjuris, inpertnas,; norz c.aufas : No moo* our. Refotmers, in thisPoint. The Pope where. heentereth,. cloth ab- -rogate all fuehLa-veTs,as any Prince hath madein,Ehur,ch. Matters, to his Diflike ; and fo would thefe Men do with all the Laws, anops, ConflitutionsandOrders herßt.o:foxe m;ade- in. the C,hurch,,as Isrefs'ditrrthelafl.Sentenceofthe- fide. repetitia xeliquoruran. This p.ublick. Account ofthe Nature and Tendency of their Scheme; is conr IFuné r's Ch. firn'd by Mr. Fuller; Who acquaints P'ft° p° 2®4.uss. that the. Original&ale- caf the. Point of N®ngQvinity was mach, 'd and dif,