LZ¡93 cifg>}fed, 44d mÄNy awe Builneí%s by tuxlitslent Spirits thrníl into it. And even in the Year I57z, we, find the like Ac- e-quilt of them in Mr. Strype. "This Par- strype's Parker `` ty, (fay,she) grewmore formidable toP 389 " the Stot-e, as well as to the e:ftablifh'd " Goyerpment,pf theQhureh: Agreea- bly to this,'twas obfervect byAxc,.hbifh,op POrker to the Lord;Treafurex, `` that ibid. 447. " hoW feeure fgeyer the .NoPtlkty were « af thefe VkiTitsitlis, 4114 Qonntenánçecl " theva;againttAe Bifhóps; they them- " fetes,.m#gi; gue qt lot that all f` tbatth9.f041-41? *nded towardwas the Oivertki^üIP 4o1.3o,Pr4i a- ` lityx 4nd,;tbo feig S9otx,ocOm- " wonmea4, pr, : :4s 13e ,c4d ¡Ay a « Pop44rity" Tbat; tWe; Peopllid confine their Thónghts t4 Matt;ers óf R(Agi4t4, is yety.evident AokaA,fpine Regtie4whig-h: :téhey á4d: to 4 Tetiwe, tiAlgsh .4,4kuygegleJ'CO.InPhiafi`ntpC ofComplainr, tbo' Qo,mmqókal4vi ,pay; of s4pliça-e,e. P. 278. ttion 40, 44 fIiigl? Coors- of Tgrlimaono fo,r !x &owed Niqfiry., It owld feen3 by their Account, ;Oat fome Noble- men and: gentleMgn omipiecl, their Kett kagicl, 4114 1144 fMnet.ilYmes, for the gr.ea.terC'4kvi:en-ipkve, laid one Farm to a49tben, or qttherwAfe fnivrged their FarmE-;, 'upon, whieh they rnalsioP, the fOlvkving: A.@crlatE u we Payictbere- fore,